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My Story

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I have always loved dogs since I can remember. I know its very cliché but all I remember is collecting anything dog related and covering my bedroom with it! Dog postcards from any time I went on holiday, paying 20p for a dog ornament at a boot fair which usually had a chip somewhere, cutting up calendar pages once the month was finished, magazine pages, any birthday cards. And not forgetting the 101 Dalmatians duvet set and painting my bedroom furniture white with black dog stencils. The list goes on. Obsessed is probably a massive understatement.


So of course, I obviously had loads of pet dogs growing up. Wrong! Every birthday and Christmas, I would write notes to my parents asking for a dog. 'Please can I have a dog, I won't ask for anything else ever again!' But to no avail. Instead, my wonderful Granny would let me 'share' her Cairn Terrier Freddie. She was very generous and let me have the 'bottom half.' He was a year older than me so we very much grew up together. However in January 2008, we lost him and it was really hard not having a dog around.


It was in October that year, when I was 15, that we decided to get Cooper, a labrador; very much a larger dog than we were used to. But he turned into being the best family dog you could ask for. He was the happiest, kindest and most loyal dog. He truly was my best friend and one of my favourite things to do was to head out for a nice, long walk with him. So, it has baffled me why I didn't go straight into a dog career.


However, after 9 years of teaching, it was time for a change and in April 2023, I left the profession and dived head first into starting up my own business. The name was easy; it was always going to be named after Cooper and in September 2023 when we said goodbye to him, it made it even more special knowing that I will forever have a memory of him. When I told people I have started up my own dog business, I got comments such as; 'well it's about time!' and 'I'm not sure why you didn't just do that 10 years ago!' I think this gave me the reassurance that I was definitely going down the right path and I was going to love these dogs so much! And so Cooper'c Canine Services was born and I haven't looked back since! 

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My Career Journey so far...

'A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than it loves itself' is a quote which I think sums up dogs pretty well. Dogs are loyal, affectionate creatures who never pass judgement and love you unconditionally. So is it not right that we do the same back to them? This is why I am so passionate about making sure they have the best life possible whilst in our care. That means making sure they are cared for, loved and included in family life as much as possible all through positive reinforcement and force-free methods. Please see below my journey so far to ensure I am the best person to be trusted with your dog and to ask for advice from: 

April 2023

  • DBS Checked (renewed annually)

  • Fully Insured - including XL Bullies (renewed annually)

  • Started the dog walking side of the business


May 2023

  • Dog First Aid Trained (certified until May 2026)

  • 2 Day Career As A Dog Trainer Course with The Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT)

        This course offers a wealth of information for those in the dog profession including; exploring body language,          principles of canine behaviour and the Science of how dogs learn. 

June 2023

  • 4 Day Practical Instructor Course with The IMDT

        This course was the next step in improving my teaching and practical coaching skills for group classes in                  helping me to pursue becoming a dog trainer. This included how to structure classes, adapting exercises for             dogs and owners of varying ability and applying solid learning theory. 

September 2023

  • Taught my first set of group classes to practice techniques and gather feedback. 

March 2024

  • Visited Crufts for the first time as a dog business owner gathering valuable advice from dog professionals. 

  • Attended 'Meeting them Needs' live seminar with IMDT approved dog trainer MK9Plus. Max introduced me to 'Outlets' and it has opened my eyes so much more to what a dog needs! 

August 2024

  • Gained Distinction in The Canine Behaviour Training Diploma with The Centre of Excellence

Recommended Reads

  • Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy - Steve Mann 

  • Easy Peasy Doggy Squeezy - Steve Mann 

  • The Beginner's Dog Training Guide - Gwen Bailey

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Contact me today to book your Free Meet & Greet or for any other enquiries.


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